Yongyi Xu

My secret message to my mom

My secret message to my mom

I miss you mom

I miss you so much

I want to be near you and want to spend rest of my time with you

It is sad and frightening to see that you are getting older and older everyday

I am getting older every single day too

Guess this is the cruel part from the cycle of life

At first the life starts to give you more than what you expect

It gives you life, slowly gives you growth in your physical body and more energy and your youth in your 20's up to your 30's

Then once you hit your 40's you start to go on a slow decline assuming that you won't get into any accidents in between and die

Once you have the good things in life,

Life starts to take it away from you

Eventually you will go back to the beginning

Just a stream of consciousness with no physical body

However, what you will get to keep is a lifetime full of experiences... that is if you can actually remember it

Perhaps it is easier to just not remember it at all since it may just bring back sad emotions

I miss you mom

I want to spend more time with you before one day when you will disappear in this world

Last time when I heard you had potentially blood cancer and have no more than 5 years to live...

I was not able to sleep for an entire week

Thankfully, you had a benign form of cancer so everything was good again

I love you mom

I believe the pain of losing you in this lifetime will be the greatest pain I will ever experience ever

Just the thought of this is already bringing me to my tears

Guess I am not ready to accept the possibility of you leaving this world happen

What I can do now is to keep on contact with you often and be in touch with you

That's all I can do right now

Also, I need to succeed in my SaaS entrepreneurial journey

I want to make you proud

This is how I will make my life proud

To be a proud son that you have worked so hard raising

To be a great father for my future family

I have to succeed

Either I will succeed in my SaaS journey or I will die trying

I will never give up

I have to work longer hours to make sure that I succeed faster

I have to

This has been a dream of mine

To be able to afford to provide you with at least $2,000 a month every single month and that will be less than 5 - 10% of my income a month

My dream is to be a 7 figure SaaS entrepreneur

I want to earn more than $100,000 a month

I hope I can achieve it and greatly exceed it

I want to be able to provide for my family

I want to be able to build my life and business up so that I have the ultimate freedom of time and money

I must work faster so that I can get there quicker

I want to make you proud and hope to achieve this goal way before you pass away

I want to take you out on trips around the world so you can enjoy going anywhere without any worries

I must make it happen